隆重介绍程序建筑库“Ur! Building Generator”,开发了一种创新的方法来创建能够实时适应您需要的任何形状的建筑物,而且它非常简单和直观。使用此工具,您可以轻松移动、旋转、缩放、拉伸,甚至添加新的几何图形来修改建筑物的外观。此外,最终版本将提供多达 20 种不同的建筑风格供您在场景中混合搭配。
Introducing our procedural building library, “Ur! Building Generator.” We have developed an innovative way to create buildings that adapt to any shape you need in real-time, and it’s incredibly simple and intuitive. With this tool, you can easily move, rotate, scale, extrude, or even add new geometry to modify the appearance of the buildings. Furthermore, the final version will offer up to 20 different architectural styles for you to mix and match in your scene.
支持 Blender 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6