对于那些想要学习Cinema 4D但对现有信息感到不知所措的人来说,本课程是完美的解决方案。本课程提供了一种结构化的方法,指导您完成整个视频创作过程,并帮助您确定进一步发展的方向。在课程结束时,您将能够制作动作设计视频,为吸引客户并取得惊人的成果奠定坚实的基础。涉及内容场景动画讲解、Redshift材质、着色器、场景灯光和渲染输出等。
This course is the perfect solution for those who want to learn Cinema 4D but feel overwhelmed by the available information.This course provides a structured approach, guiding you through the entire video creation process and helping your direction for further development.By the course’s end, you’ll have the ability to craft your motion design video, serving as a solid foundation to attract clients and achieve amazing results.